Watch: Artist Creates Figurines on the Streets of Mongkok – Without Hands!

On the streets of Hong Kong, inside the Mongkok district, street performers turn this side of the city into their own personal stage, providing diverse entertainment while plying their trade and trying to earn a few coins at the same time.

All sorts of acts and routines can be found here, from musicians playing traditional Chinese music on flutes, puppeteers with dolls and live monkeys, and martial artists showing off their flashy skills to the crowd.

Among the dozens of flashy, brassy entertainers, however, there can be found a quiet and extraordinary man who provides a different routine; one that is more motivational than kitschy.

He creates art from simple clay without the use of his hands, showing whoever watches him
that craftsmanship and artistry can be found in the simplest forms, even from those who are practically disabled and are expected to be helpless.

Rather than beg for alms and let self-pity overwhelm him, this amazing artist has decided to take charge of his situation and not let his disability control his life.


He is regularly seen on the streets of Mongkok, wearing simple clothes with a pair of old sneakers and a backpack containing his meager belongings. He chooses a suitable area along the street and works his magic on clay, creating cute figurines on sticks in the hopes of attracting customers and collecting what little cash he can earn.

In the process, he delivers an inspiring visual; one that teaches us not to dwell on the negative that happens to us, but instead work with the positives that we have left.


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